Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Community Building with Central Minnesota Women Shine

Women leaders in Central Minnesota from all fields, backgrounds, belief systems and walks of life assert something new is needed to empower women to realize goals for self, family and community. These courageous women have stepped outside personal and collective comfort zones, looked beyond present perceptions and limits to explore possibilities. On May 11th, 13 of these women came together to share their visions, passions, resources and challenges as stakeholders in creating what we need to thrive: to feel our efforts are making a difference, that our voices are heard, that our care taker natures are balanced with self care and mostly we need to graciously accept a cash flow that validates the gifts and value we bring to our community.

If we are to realize these goals and maintain a balance of wealth in the emotional, social, mental and physical domains, we are going to have to create it.

Performance Design Training Center and I Game Attitude are joining forces through a netweaving of the talents and openness of area women with the ever growing needs of area organizations, government, educational institutions and businesses to create and sustain wealth and wellness in our community. 
How does this work? We provide a safe and welcoming space, expertise, technology and support to connect the talents of area women with whatever you need in the area of local and global communications, product design, manufacturing and wellness. We help you to access the talents that are already here to create what you need while providing a sustainable income for women who are creative and open but may not have found their voice or lack resources needed to start out on their own.

What exactly do we do? This will evolve over time as our community needs change. Our main service, (what we see is most needed for the moment) is growing and managing virtual communications including social media platforms in a safe, respectful and profitable manner. We will also be conducting a survey of talents and needs to see what unique product or services area women could design and manufacture. We are essentially creating a bridge between the feminine skills of care taking and relationship building with the masculine skills of leadership and wealth building within and between individuals and groups.

Our next step is to explore the best business structure and cash flow for this new model that is a business, organization, concept and training center with a focus on the whole person, family and community. Over the next month we will be developing our business plan, and start our search for initial investors and participants.

We have had an overwhelming response from individuals ready to be a part of this. Leave your comments and questions here. If you are ready to invest in Central Minnesota Women Shine, take your own life to a new level, call us today at 266-5614 and ask for Mary Margaret to learn about I Game Attitude Leadership training to be a part of Central Minnesota Women Shine.

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