Tuesday, July 26, 2011

You Dream of A life, A Company, A Community: CMWS is listening

We have a dream job, a dream life dancing inside of us. We are Central Minnesota women who come from all fields, walks of life, belief systems and corners of the world. We are expanding our power to create what we need for self, family and community through a net weaving of aspirations, talents, resources and products for sustainable wealth and wellness.

We celebrate and nurture life individually and collectively in all its facets. We are a collaborative of women, ventures, and projects and initiatives that produce and deliver products and services that: reflect our unique talents and resources, are of value to our community and complement the businesses and institutions already in place. We are creating a living tapestry of the finest materials, and talents we have that are sustainable and you can trust as much as you can trust yourself.

When a woman celebrates her Feminine: nurturing and collaborative side, she opens the door to a Powerful dance with her own Masculine Powers of leadership and productivity, there by providing a mirror for other women who are ready to step into their autonomy as leaders and providers for self, family and community. Autonomous but interconnected, we are women and men each with a special talent and purpose in creating the life of our dreams.

Join us in expanding our patterns of human functioning with Central MN Women Shine, the non-profit that will profit everyone. Subscribe to our blog,  net weave with us at CMWS events and on Facebook to explore and expand Central MN Women ventures, initiatives, projects and products. It is fun, increases your connections with shakers and movers, provides a counterbalance to perceptions of scarcity and conflict offering a call to take a powerful new action towards peaceful prosperity.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Virtual Happy Hour: Net Weaving Community with Central Minnesota Women Shine

Social Media platforms are just one way to meet, greet and stay in touch with individuals and groups whose values, visions, resources and goals are in line with your own. Happy hour is a time to celebrate your accomplishments of the day, share joyful and uplifting stories treasures and visions, remind friends and clients of upcoming events.

 Perhaps you have not been able to connect with the people who will support you and cheer you on as you build your business or project. Maybe you haven't found the time or place to connect with the people you imagine being in your circle of friends, collaborators, fellow human beings. Time management, lack of a clear plan and uncertainty of how to connect in meaningful ways are challenges that many site as holding them back from accessing and maximizing the power of this growing medium for communication, relationship building and staying connected.