Thursday, December 20, 2012

Winter Solstice 2012: Resources to cope, move forward and effect change

These are the darkest days of the year in the northern hemisphere and for those who follow the Mayan Calendar it is a predicted end of the world, or at least the end of the life on earth as we know it—which is a good thing if you are hoping for better times.

The unspeakable tragedy at Sandy Hook has left us reeling. "How can I help? How could this happen? How can I keep my children safe?" So much pain, so close to home spills over into our own pain and losses, whisks away our blanket of security, brings into question our basic beliefs. Or in some cases, strengthens them sending us on a crusade to change the world. The last is probably the most difficult cross to bear, for it keeps us in the dark. 

There are many resources for us to acknowledge this terrible loss, access our resilience and inspire us to live a more loving, open and purposeful life. This is what is needed to rise above the moment, begin the healing and nurture a new time of amity and concord.
Posted by Amy Fesenmaier on Facebook

Zero to Three, speaks to the parents of our youngest children. Little Listeners in an Uncertain World but is filled with wisdom and tools for the healing and wellbeing of the child in each of us so we can be the parents and mentors we need to be for our children. Thank you Jane Ellison and THRIVE for this valuable resource.

Prosperous Coach, Rhonda Hess acknowledges this loss in her recent post, A Life Coaches Perspective on the End of the Mayan Calendar She asks, "What else can we do? Resolve to seek light in the darkness." In this post, she shares the questions that are on her mind. This is a great resource both for coaches and for each of us to prepare for a "gentle birth" of a new year and perhaps a new age

Dissociation or Synergy, a chapter in The I Game, From Emergence to Maturity by Christiane Lavanoux, (soon to be published)  acknowledges what is happening in the world today—describes what we all must see and with calm resolve verbalizes the global vision and actions that will lift the world out of the rut it has sunk into..." as we enter into solstice, a season of holidays and a new year filled with creative energy to heal and nurture self, family, community and the world.

Warmest Regards,

Mary Margaret

Mary M. White-Levilain
CMWS Chair

Monday, December 17, 2012

CMWS Brings the Power of Kitchen Table Networking to the 21st Century

CMWS Out and About Tuesday brings the power of kitchen table networking into the 21st Century! The group calls these events, Netweavings, which is simply networking the women's way. It is how the St. Cloud Ladies Reading Society, created the vision, organization and philanthropic ventures for the first free library, the parks department, city street cleaning and garbage pickup. From the days of the original 13 colonies to the towns and cities of the 20th Century, women mostly volunteered, doing the groundbreaking work that the founding fathers, community leaders and family providers would manage in the broader community, business and government systems.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

CMWS is Out and About Netweaving: A Networking Evolution to Boost and Balance all your Facets

Life presents challenges and CMWS has had a few, but with every challenge comes a new opportunity. Netweaving—networking the women's way provides us with an accelerative boost to access our talents, express our challenges as well as our solutions, and explore new possibilities to move forward. It helps us to keep up with the speed of life, improve lives and livelihoods. So, when you asked for a weekly venue and open forum, CMWS Netweavers created "Out and About Tuesday." You will find us at the beautiful Good Earth Co-op Community Room from 12:00 to 1:00 pm or later unless otherwise posted on CMWS events calendar. It's all about you—you decide what to talk about—your life, family, community, and world. It's an inside out place to grow wealth and wellness as you share hopes, challenges, inspirations and actions.
Heidi Larson of Body Works Studio talks about wellness
 and her community service projects after a netweaving.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Central Minnesota Women Shine: CMWS is shining a light on "Thrive"

Central Minnesota Women Shine: CMWS is shining a light on "Thrive": and The Initiative Foundation. This project truly reflects how promising these times are for Central MN, the nation and the world.

CMWS is shining a light on "Thrive"

The Initiative Foundation and Thrive
To thrive—that's what we are hoping for! In spite of, or perhaps because of these challenging times, it is also a time for great hope, possibilities and promise to develop, grow, even flourish as individuals, communities and a nation. The Greater St. Cloud Thrive Coalition is Thriving—providing a shining example of how individuals and groups across backgrounds, fields and belief systems come together to overcome challenges and realize goals. In the case if THRIVE it is to meet the needs of our youngest children, their parents and those who work with them. It is our belief, that we will all benefit from this powerful collaboration to support the healthy social, emotional development and mental health of our youngest children.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Women of Grace and Grit

In celebration of its 90th birthday, St. Cloud Area Branch of The American Association of University Women, (AAUW), is bringing Lilly Ledbetter, namesake of the 2009 Fair Pay Act to St. Cloud and you are invited to meet her on October 9th, (details below). Please come help us welcome Ms. Ledbetter, listen to her story, acknowledge her courage and accomplishments, purchase her book Grace and Grit and or have your copy signed. For, Lilly did not win her law suit, but she did win big for us all.
Lilly Ledbetter Speaks

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Netweaving with CMWS: It's Simply How We Get Things Done

When something new is needed or wanted in our life, netweaving provides us with a framework, connections and support to move forward, access what we need to keep up with the speed of life,  improve lives and livelihoods. It is a method of weaving our resources, needs and networks in a powerful and purposeful fashion to create a flow of what individuals, groups and systems need to realize a shared goal. In the case of Central Minnesota Women Shine netweaving events it is to showcase the resources and solutions of/for area women, ventures, projects and initiatives; to learn what is needed, pinpoint how we can help and walk away with an action plan to meet the ever shifting needs of women, their families and the larger communities in which we live. Yes,CMWS Netweavers have scheduled our 2012 netweaving events to be offered from September 2012 through May, 2013. These events will be held at the new CMWS Welcome Center located at Performance Design Training Center unless otherwise posted.

It's just a glimpse. Imagine, dream and weave the fabric...

Thursday, June 28, 2012

AAUW St. Cloud Area Branch: 90 years young and still rocking!

Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." ~ Margaret Mead. Ninety years ago, a small group of area women saw a need and formed American Association of University Women (AAUW), St, Cloud Area Branch to answer the call. Ninety years later the needs have evolved, as have the service projects, programming, grants and other aspects of this St. Cloud area organization. Congratulations AAUW, St. Cloud Area Branch on your well deserved Mayor's Rock On Award for 90 years of community service and a Big Thank You for all you do.CMWS would like to shine a light on AAUW (local) past and present; open new vistas and opportunities to connect with others, who like you —our readers, fans and members— aspire to make a difference in the world.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

CMWS shines a light on Dara Westra of Performance Design Training Center

Meet Dara Westra, Microsoft trainer, community organizer and expert in performance-based software and web-based solutions. Ms. Westra joins CMWS as an emerging business member who brings over 20 years of experience in software performance design and training to Central Minnesota. Dara understands adult learning theories presenting dynamic, hands-on, interactive learning experiences in  group sessions as well as individualized training in her state of the art classroom or yours.

Dara Westra, CEO
Performance Design Training Center

Thursday, March 1, 2012

CMWS and You Supporting Better Lives and Livelihoods in Central MN

What's happening at CMWS? It has been a busy month with our dedicated board of trustees, netweavers and focus area committees. Dara Westra, our website committee chair has been juggling new classes and clients at Performance Design Training Center and building websites for emerging businesses in the area while at the same time building the website pages to launch CMWS business membership and resource pages for area entrepreneurs, businesses and organizations.

Dara Westra of PDTC

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

CMWS Shines a light on a Scrapbooking Event with a Higher Purpose

Are you seeking activities that focus on possibilities, promise and dreams come true while at the same time serve a higher purpose? The 1st Annual Scrapbooking Saturday promises to be such an event.

Performance Design Training Center has been host and home to many of CMWS organizational meetings, strategy building sessions and workshops. Just across the way is the staff of Birthline a nonprofit pregnancy resource center which supports anyone facing an unintended or crisis pregnancy.They asked me to share this event with you. Contact Sara Wolf or call 320-252-4150 to register. Tweet, facebook email and call your scrapbooking friends and network too!

Scrapbooking Saturday
Please share this event with your network, increase awareness of this valuable community service and opportunity to gather, scrapbook, share talents and lunch. To learn more about Birthline and their services visit their website. 

Shine on,

Mary Margaret & Dara Westra
Dara Westra Vice-President and chair of web-based development
Mary Margaret White-Levilain, President and Programming and Netweaving 

Do you like this post? We welcome your comments, thank you for sharing it with friends, invite you to connect with us on Facebook and Twitter.   Become a member of Central Minnesota Women Shine contact us or call Mary Margaret at 320-266-5614. Be a leader in building a woman-centered place to build wealth and wellness for self, family and community. 

Do you have gravatar? Gravatar allows us to upload a favorite photo of our self that follows us as we visit each other in the virtual world. If you don’t have your gravatar yet, go grab it at

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

CMWS Shining a Light on Business Women of Central Minnesota

Central Minnesota is teeming with opportunities to expand our perceptions of self and other, welcome new pathways and friendships, create solutions for self, family and community. On Tuesday, January 10th, 2012, there are 2 opportunities to expand your networks, friendships and solving power: Central Minnesota Women Shine has invited you to an after the work-day vision and action sharing to create all things possible and Business Women of Central Minnesota is hosting a Brown Bag Lunch with Women Leaders. CMWS interviewed the program Chair of BWCM. We'd like to introduce you.

Betsey Lund
Program Chair, Business Women of Central Minnesota

Sunday, January 1, 2012

CMWS Logo: A symbol of all things possible

CMWS logo is a compilation of symbols and colors that embody the mission and goals of Central Minnesota Women shine: the 4 focus areas of the agency; the 4 sets of human attributes and the synergy that is created when systems are working together toward a common goal. It is a symbol of all things possible. 
Organizational Book p. 4