Sunday, April 7, 2013

CMWS– A place to be, become and "LEAN IN"

CMWS mission is to connect women in the region to resources, training, technologies and mentorship to develop and expand their emerging business, non-profit or community collaboration by providing on-line and physical space to gather, to train and to showcase their sustainable businesses and services.

CMWS logo is a compilation of symbols and colors that embody the mission and goals of Central Minnesota Women shine: the 4 focus areas of the organization and the 4 sets of human attributes and the synergy that is created when systems work together toward a common goal. It is a symbol of all things possible. 
Organizational Book p. 4

Monday, April 1, 2013

CMWS and You, A place to grow wealth and wellness

Building the Dream

 Could CMWS be the conduit between you and your dream life? We invite you to TAKE 5 to sense, express, decide and choose your action. View its mission and goals- imagine yourself as a player, welcome your passion and envision your purpose in this innovative collaboration to build a multicultural art and learning center that is also a global marketplace and business development center.

What intrinsic motivation is bubbling up inside you as a builder of the dream? We invite you to express your dream in words- comment below, believe that you can create what you want and need  and how it will spill over to meet the needs, enrichment and opportunities for the greater community, take a powerful action by downloading the questionnaire and joining CMWS a place to build wealth and wellness today. Become a member today!

CMWS aims to be the non-profit that will profit a whole community ready to realize
wealth and wellness in all 4 areas: emotional/sensory, social/interactive, mental/spiritual and physical material.
Action time! Please choose one and complete the task of a powerful dreambuilder: 
Comment below, the dream is yours, the expression of it validates self as well as the community. 
Commit to introduce yourself at a netweaving event such as "Out and About Tuesday, (see schedule). Put it on your calendar and send us a note- we'll put it on ours too. Become a member today! and explore the many ways you benefit and be of service to the larger community.

With gratitude from our board for all innovative collaborators past,present and future,

Mary Margaret

Dara Westra,  Mary Margaret and Sandi Bernard, below
Sandi Bernard